Transformed by Jesus. Ignited by God's love!

about michelle

Michelle did not grow up attending church or knowing about God, but meeting Jesus transformed her life profoundly. Ignited by God's love, she went from feeling lost and broken to finding wholeness and purpose. Now, she uses her gift of speaking to share her journey and the freedom she has experienced, inspiring others to find that same freedom. She has served as the keynote speaker at numerous women's events and as a featured speaker at her home church. Her profound love for God is unmistakable and central to who she is. With an evident love for Scripture, Michelle connects with her audience through her authenticity and tender-hearted compassion. Michelle and her husband Jeff have been married for 23 years and have four beautiful children. As a foster parent and an advocate for those in foster care, she opens her heart and home to those in need, embodying the compassion and grace she speaks about.

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sample speaking topics


Teaching others about the freedom and healing that comes through forgiveness and letting go of bitterness.

get up

Encouraging the audience to move beyond just talking about their faith and to put it into action.

unending grace

Communicating that awareness of our need for Jesus compels us to grow in our faith and live out our purpose.

what people are saying

"Hearing Michelle speak feels like sitting down with a close friend. She presents the Bible in such a relatable way and leaves everyone with a deeper understanding and connection to Jesus, whom she so evidently adores!"

"Michelle Welch is a phenomenal speaker whose messages have transformed my life and countless others. She has the ability to convey truth and love with profound understanding and grace. Her insights not only inspire but also empower those who hear her."

"Michelle loves Jesus deeply and from that place of overflow, invites others to experience the grace of God that has changed her life. Her words convict, comfort, and call higher in the most beautiful of ways. To hear her speak, is to experience the heart of the Father in a new way!"
"Michelle Welch is both transparent and relatable, making you feel as if she is speaking directly to your heart. From start to finish, she captivates the audience with her powerful words, leaving a lasting impact and changing lives for the better."
"Michelle loves Jesus with her whole heart that is exemplified through hundreds of acts of others-centered service. Her giftedness as a speaker is actually her true self on display. You can trust that what Michelle teaches she lives out everyday!"
"Only a person who loves the word of God with an unquenchable appetite teaches with such vulnerability and insight. Michelle takes God’s word and applies it to daily life circumstances in a way that is understandable. Her love for Jesus is undeniable and when you sit under her teaching it is contagious and inspiring."

contact and booking

Get In Touch with Michelle

For booking inquiries or more information, please fill out this form. You can also email Michelle with the link below.

[email protected]